Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Skin Packs


Title Version Author
Mandroid, MoM Mothma, and Rainblowtrooper SG_Barada
!SoS! Skin Pack Darth Algar
-=Nam=-Reloaded Nickermaster
-=SAW=- Skin Pack (One) One -=SAW=- Clan Members
-[ZoU]- Templar Skinpack -[ZoU]-SunFire
187th Legion Skin Pack (1.0) 1.0 ObroaSkai
=SoH= Air =SoH= Airtrooper
[SCA] Clan Pack Unifermius Matty
[tB] Skin Pack [tB]Virus
Ace and Nightwalker Acegikmo
Advanced Shadowtrooper Skin Pack Evil Jedi
Alienpods Skinpack phonock
Angelic Reborn Skin Pack Thegathering
Any Clan Skin Pack =)kr(WHaT)hc(=
Archwing dazedkiller501
Armored Jedi Golden Armor Edition DoF_BlackWolf
Art!st's Skin pack Peace_ArtIst
Atticus and Goth Shidobu
AuraRebron Skinpack (1) 1 SoundLizard
Base Customization MUG
Big O Skin Pack *GR*RogeRSmitH
BioHazard~TuskenZ MaeTriXx
Black Sun Jan Pack (v1.0) v1.0 EskimoPeter
Bloodrayne Skins {EJA}DarthVengeant{S}
Bruce Lee Skin Pack YOder
Carbon Troopers MasterHill
Catz Multi-Player and Single-Player Lord Xander
Chaos Skin Pack ChAoS TalonnD
Chaos Skinpack Chaos
Chief Piggie and Mother Goose JAWAMania
Children of Solo hollywood_g1
Chiss Species Pack 2.0 Kal El
Clan Purple Pack Unifermius Matty
ClanPurple extension pack Unifermius Matty
Clone Trooper Robin 'Izanagi' Molde
Cokehead Pack Whitewampa
Commander Cody and Bly Phase I Armor SkinPack (3.5) 3.5 Jedi_Jettson_21
Corel's 'SW KOTOR' Skin Pack Corel
Crazy Assassin v2.0 The Crazy Assassin
Cthulu Mythos Skin Pack revan4evr
Cult Of Vengeant Skin Pack {EJA}DarthVengeant{S}
Cult Skins Scott MCD
Cultist Recolor Pack Kerusso
Cultists Deathscythe_092
Daeth Caedus Skinpack V2 (2.0) 2.0 Hollywood_G1
Dark Cults Skins (v1.1) v1.1 Ataris
Dark Forces II Skin Pack DarthPhae
Dark Jedi Skins LordVader2006
Dark Reborn and Cult Skins Ataris
Dark Reborns Pack Ravagerlord
Dark side recolor Grievous_is_cool
Dark Storm Trooper Customization (0.99) 0.99 Posezion
Dark/Light Luke V1.0 Meximusz
Darth Caedus Skin Pack Hollywood_G1
Darth Caedus Skin Pack v1.2 Hollywood_G1
Darth Severous / Ultimate RebornTwin hollywood_g1
DarthAngel Reborn Pack DarthAngel
Definitive ShadowTrooper SkinPack v2 -{DOS}-GoreTex
EA Jedi Skinpack 2010 Elek Andor
Egil's Human Male Clothes Ophiuchus
EJA Security Skin Pack {EJA}DarthVengeant{S}
Elemental Reborns Xaus a.k.a X:D
Entling Pack Last Wish, Shusko Shodo
Episode 3 Skinpack Quigon007
Episode III Clones gingerguy
ETM Soldiers Skin Pack {EJA}DarthVengeant{S}
Firetrooper {LOP}Tarantula{S}
Football Skins - Belgium, France, England Earthdigger
Forcecaster Exxon Anders Edin
Forloc Skins V2 Forloc
Forloc's Skin Pack Forloc
Freakinweirdo's Jawa Species Pack freakinweirdo
Freakinweirdo's Jawa Species Pack (v2) v2 freakinweirdo
Futuristic Soldiers (1.0) 1.0 java25701
Futuristic Soldiers Fix (2.1) 2.1 java25701
Futuristic Soldiers v2 java25701
Galactic Alliance Jedi Armor hollywood_g1
Galactic Alliance Jedi Armor v3 hollywood_g1
Generic Wookiee and Trandoshan Duo Scerendo
Ghesh and MK Cultist Ghesh
Grey Jedi Skinpack (1.1) 1.1 Bugged
Grey Jedi Skinpack (1.2) 1.2 Bugged
Halloween Pack Yodaman123
Harry Potter Skins {DoT}Malachi
HaVoK Skin Pack HaVoK Clan
Hollywood's Ultimate Reborns hollywood_g1
HS Jedi Customization (v4.0) v4.0 Doc Phil
Human Jedi Addon Pack (v1) v1 Kalek Dakarr
Humans are Chiss Jedi_HM2
Iceelf Customization Skinpack GluGlivar
Iceelf Customization SkinPack (v2.1) v2.1 GluGlivar
Iceelf Customization SkinPack (v2.5) v2.5 GluGlivar
icypack Dabumbummer
IG - 64 pack IG - 64
Imperial Customization (v6) v6 FireFly*194*
Infinity Alliance Jetfrost
Iron Man Yodaman123
Itto-Ryu Clan Skins Daw Rurousha
J.A Restoration Mod (v1.2) v1.2 xia_Lan
JA reskin pack (v1) v1 Jedi_HM2
Jack's Skins jack - sith lord
Jaden Addon Pack (1.0) 1.0 Ryojin, Kalek_Dakar, and Iny
Jaden Korr - 41ABY v2 hollywood_g1
Jaden Korr 41ABY hollywood_g1
Jalrin-Markus Skin Pack (1.0) 1.0 JediAvenger
Jawa Color Pack {COD}Malak{P}
Jawa Knights Skinpack Ferocious Wolf
Jawa Knights Skinpack 2 Ferocious Wolf
Jawa Mafia Skin Pack (3.1) 3.1 SR^Lavitz
Jawa PACK (v 1.0) v 1.0 Bilbo baggypants
Jedi Drackanne Drackanne
Jedi Human Male Expansion Pack Kalisto
Jedi Knight Eris (v1.0) v1.0 Eris
Jedi Knight Eris (v2.0) v2.0 Eris
Jedi Las Skinpack LASLUND
Jedi Master Twan'ee Bayoon
Jedi_Zora (3.0) 3.0 Me0is0Jade
JKA Character Reskin Mod v1.1 (1.1) 1.1 CommanderPeral
JKE Skins Jimmy Hawkin
JME & JKE Skins 2.0 Jimmy Hawkin
JS skin Pack Deathloc
Julio's Texture Overhaul (Playable Characters) Part 1 (1.0) 1.0 JulioC
KAB skinpack KaBeRnA
Kalek's SP Skin Changes Kalek Dakarr
Kazi's Skin Pack Kazi
KCD 1 Skin Pack ep.wo3f
KeleeVaderPack Kelee
Knights of the Republic Skin Pack #1 Schism
KotOR Officers [-RO-]Oniram)Kn(
Kyle Katarn: Kool Klothes + Kool Kicks sav11
Legacy of the Sith (1.0) 1.0 LordParias
Legacy of the Sith II (2.0) 2.0 LordParias
Legionary (v3) v3 Arc9
Legionary/Praetorian mini pack (2.0) 2.0 Arc9
Linken Anderson (v2) v2 starwarsobsessedfan
Loeb Pack Lightsource
Lotar (v1.1) v1.1 Dc|-EcNo
Luke Armour Pack Zicmak
Mandalore - 3 Clans Pi314
Mandalorians Skinpack Laam'inui (Squishy Tomato)
Mando Pack (1.0) 1.0 Duragon, Ernie
Mandolorians - 30 ABY Hollywood_G1
Mandolorians - 30 ABY (v1.5) hollywood_g1
Mandolorians - 30 ABY (v2.0) Hollywood_G1
Mandolorians 30 ABY V3 hollywood_g1
Medico Skin Pack Profcorron
Medieval Knight Pack 4.0 (4.0(beta)) 4.0(beta) Arc9
Medieval knights pack (3.1) 3.1 Arc9
Messiah Skin Pack TheBloodyMessiah
Metal Gear Solid Pack Tyrael64
MGS - Snake Skin Pack Plasma
MMF914s Skin Pack Version 1 MegamanFan914
Mortal Kombat Ninjas Nick Skywater
Movie Abandonment Skinpack Jolt_JK2
Naruto Skinpack Bael
New Jedi Clothes XmogX
New Jedi Pack DoT_Malachi
New Prequel Jedi Pack Broken-Hope
New Shadow Trooper Pack YaKyLLaN
New Shadow Trooper Pack (2.0) 2.0 YaKyLLaN
New Shadowtrooper (v2) v2 The Crazy Assassin
Nexu Commando and Arctrooper [NFOR]Neo_Knight
NHL Western Conference Skin Pack L0ki
Nihl III (3.0) 3.0 revan4evr
Ninja: Assassins of the Night v3 Darkahn
ninjafox GrayFox814
Ninjas [NKR]master_ninja[JG]
Nintendo Skin Pack NINTENDOG
NS Citizen Forloc
Olts Keldor Lord Vili
Olts Male & Olts Female Lord Vili
Omeewan's Jedi Skin Pack V1 Omeewan
OMG LOL Skinpack Deugar the One
Oni's Jaden Bonus (1.0) 1.0 Kalek_Dakarr
ook's REVENGE! ook
Ophiuchus' Cultist Skinpack Ophiuchus
P&P Skin Pack The Punisher and POL
packdragon Shaka
PadawanVM Mars Marshall
Phantom V2 -|HA|-NightCrawler
Pink Skin Pack OldBen
Pink Species OldBen
Predator Pack (1.4) 1.4 SN_Cyrith
Project Element Toxious
Project Element (2.0) 2.0 Toxious
Pure Breed Shadow Blader (v2.0) v2.0 dyyor
Rain Lord Xander
Random Skin Pack phonock
Ranius' Skins (v3.2) v3.2 Ranius Neutral
Rapp's Skin Pack Rapp_Scallion
Razak Skin Pack Razak
Reborn Elite Skin Pack (version 2) version 2 Hollywood_G1
Reskin Pack Forloc
Return of the Sith: Dark Cult Skins (3.0) 3.0 Ataris
Ripper's Jawa Pack Ripper20
Royal Knights Pack (3.0) 3.0 Arc9
Ruined Coruscant Trull
Rusty Ships & Droids Tobias104
Ryojin (Final) Final Ryojin
Ryojin (v8) v8 Ryojin
S2K Clanskins Cra$her
Sabergirls Collection Sabergirl
Samurai Warriors [IMI]Azuma
SCA Clan Pack v2 Unifermius Matty
Sefiroth's Re-skin pack Sefiroth
Shadow Disciples Talesan
Shadow Disciples (v1.1) v1.1 Talesan
Sharad Hett's Default Jedi Replacement Sharad Hett
Shinn and Elbram RageWulf
SION ULTIMATE SKINS (1.0) 1.0 JamyzGenius
Sith Lord Clan's Cultists 777SL
Sith Lords Clan Skin pack BeakerBongload
Sith Pack (v1) v1 Agent Smith
Sithani Customization Pack Sithani
Skin Pack v.2 darknrd
skinpack_3 Ranius Neutral
Skirata Mandalorian (2.0) 2.0 Mhoker
Snake Skin Pack Darth Kitty
Soldier Customization Pra Viilon
Soldier Customization (v2) v2 Pra Viilon
Solid Colored Kyles The MadCow
SonofWindu96 hollywood_g1
Spanki's SITH Customization Spanki
Star Trek Jedi (1.00) 1.00 Darth_Spock
Strong Reborns -=Ghost=-
Stygian Skins NeeDles
StygianSkins (2.0) 2.0 NeeDles
Super Heroes Skin Pack (1.0) 1.0 RJA
SW-141 Skinpack (v2.5) v2.5 SithMasteR555
SWS (3.2) 3.2 {NJO}Ranius
Taun Taun Knight RaSiN HeCk
Team Recolor Skin Pack Jedi_HM2
TGMerc Tarados Gon
Thaede Wolphe v2 - Customization cwt624
The Christmas "FUN" Skin Pack Passsing Sorrow
The Crazy Assassin (1.0) 1.0 The Crazy Assassin
The Cult of Darkness (3.2) 3.2 Ataris
The Cult of Darkness (3.6) 3.6 Ataris
The Cult of Darkness (3.7) 3.7 Ataris
The Cult of Darkness (v3.4) v3.4 Ataris
The Elements Pack (v2) v2 KP_Marka
The Force Unleashed 2 Starkiller Pack DarthPhae
The Force Unleashed Skinpack (1.0) 1.0 HCHawke
The Jan Collection for JA Plasmacoolant
The Jawa Masters ]TJM[Spiffy[SJ]
The Jawa Masters ]TJM[Spiffy[SJ]
The Jawa Masters Clan Skin Pack ]TJM[Spiffy[SJ]
The Jawa Masters Fun Skin Pack ]TJM[Spiffy[SJ]
The Mert Karamolo Skinpack (v3) v3 Mert_Karamolo
The Minis Pack! Gorthaur the Cruel
The Missing skins Wolf
The Order Skin Pack (v2) v2 TwinHits
Titan Titan
Trace's Skin Pack -=*TFO*Trace*=-
Trann Skins -Rikutian-
Tron Pack Version 2 (2) 2 Zicmak
Troopers Adi192
Tusken Exiles Tarbaby
Tusken Exiles Resubmit Tarbaby
Tuxedo Skinpack Kurt Draik
Two Ghosts [DragoN].Warbird*
Ultimate Expanded Universe Hollywood_G1
Ultimate Expanded Universe (v2) v2 Hollywood_G1
Ultimate Expanded Universe (v3) v3 hollywood_g1
Ultimate Expanded Universe 4 hollywood_g1
Ultimate Jedi Academy v2 hollywood_g1
Ultimate Jedi Academy v3 hollywood_g1
Ultimate Replacements hollywood_g1
Ultimate Rosh (version 1) version 1 hollywood_g1
Unifermius Matty pak Unifermius Matty
V for Vendetta Skins Saschi
Variated Jawa Pack Sacrificexss{Ian Grubb}
Vengeant Camo Skin Pack {EJA}DarthVengeant{S}
Vipers Munkki
Vipers -Munkki-
Witchblade Skin Pack {EJA}DarthVengeant{S}
Wookie Customisation MUG
Xai Mura Vodorr Skin Pack Xai-Mura Vodorr
XTrikstaX's Reskins XTrikstaX
Yet Somemore Characters RYNOWHAPAK00
Yuna Update *VaS*Buffy
Zabrak Male Species Pack Cel
Zalen's pack Zalen Wrath
Zora v2 Me0is0Jade
{DmS} Skin Pack {DmS}Assassin
{Kott} Skin Pack {Kott}Revan
{NJO}Ranius' First Four {NJO}Ranius